Round 4 – WL Marketing Directory Submission Review

This is a followup post to the review of WL Marketing’s Directory Submission service.

In the first installement in this series I had reported that my website was submitted to 156 directories. Of those 156 directories, 135 responded by email, 2 listings were approved and 1 was rejected within the first day.

In the second installment in this series I reported that my website had been submitted to a total of 310 directories with 5 approved and 3 rejected within the first week.

In the third installment in this series I reported that my website had been submitted to a total of 469 directories with 34 approved and 4 rejected within two weeks.

This post comes two weeks after the fourth and final submission to directories by WL Marketing. In the fourth week, WL Marketing submitted the website to an additional 200 directories.

The stats as of today are:

669 directory submissions
173 were approved
7 were rejected
489 remain pending

The high level of pending submissions a month into the directory submissions is disheartening. These are submissions that WL Marketing has made, but that the directory website admin has failed to either approve or deny. I will address this fact in a later followup as we get an idea of how many free directories are actually just front ends for paid directories (meaning only the paid submissions are reviewed and approved).

10 thoughts on “Round 4 – WL Marketing Directory Submission Review”

  1. Hi Dennis
    Thanks for these posts and insights . I have just come across this site (WLmarketing) and have been debating using them. I am wondering now wether it would be better to invest in the software to do this myself as on first sight longer term with a number of websites it becomes much more relevant.

    Best Wishes

  2. Hi Denise,

    There are pros and cons to both methods. For me, time is often an issue, so I was hoping to find a company to outsource the work to, who would do a good job. The issue in a company doing this successfully is getting positive results from the actual submissions… not the quantity of submissions. If they were actually tracking the success rate of their submissions, then they could do a better job of insuring that the submission at least gets a fair look. The vast majority of submissions so far through this service (73%) remain pending as of this article date. Since then, I have picked up several other approvals and a couple of more rejections. But I doubt it has dropped below 70%.

    On the other side of the story, the site gained a PR of 3 in less then 30 days. With minimal linking by me outside of these submissions. Even some of the inner pages have gained PR and I’ll write an article about it in the future after I run a couple more tests. There was definitely a difference between the inner pages which gained PR and the ones which didn’t. And none were directly linked to by outside sources that I can track.


  3. I am thinking of using their service for article submission as i dont have the time, would you recommend these as a trust worthy company ???

  4. I have been thinking of using this service, but a bit reluctant.

    1) did you see an increase in organic traffic? what percentage?
    2) what was your page rank before the service when it jumped to a PR of 3?

  5. thx for that post, ill try this as soon as i can, but are you going to provide any update on this one?

  6. worked for wl marketing . wl other name is spam so dont use this website ever or can say i am working for wl marketing worst den worst services and fraud firm with all fake things and website don’t ever use them and they hate their own employees and do not give salary to poor employees and ask them to do over time at free of cost and there working hours are more then 10 hours and they have no infrastructure for employees so that is why you people get cheap seo services at very low rate. worst and worst and god pls do not bless them bcoz they waste money of poor people of America

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