Color Pix

I stumbled on a cool tool today, called Color Pix.

Color Pix is a nifty little application that enables you to “grab” colors and coordinates from any pixel on your computer screen. While most image editing programs and some WYSWYG editors have this built in, Color Pix will enable you to select the color without having to open any of those programs. Selecting colors from images is one of my favorite methods of producing a color scheme around an image… a good example of me doing this is with my Oregon Genealogy website. All the colors selected for that color scheme came from the texturized version of the church image found on that page. You can see other examples of me building websites around the colors found in an image at Troup County, Georgia Genealogy and Lawrence County, Mississippi Genealogy.

Building a website around an image is new to me. I hadn’t done it before the past couple of months… I use to find images to go with a website… often more difficult.

The best thing about color pix is it is free! So go enjoy. More information about Color Pix.

One thought on “Color Pix”

  1. just stopped by to say i really liked your family tree site – you’ve put some work into it!
    I’m still tracing my family back if anyone has info of any Winn family members from High Wycombe get in touch!

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